Pre-sale Autumn bulbs 2019

Here you can download our presale price list.
Note: All prices on this list are an indication and subject to change and availability. 

Please sent your request per email and we sent you a personal quotation within 48hr. 

Step 1
Download the pricelist to your computer. Right-click the file and choose "Open" or "Save as". Name your file and remember its location.

Step 2
Open the document in Excel. Fill out the form as desired. 

Step 3
Once completed, you can save the form on your computer and attach it to an email or print it out and send it as a fax or via traditional mail.
We will reply with an orderconformation and all information about shipping and payment. 

All information about shipping inside and outside Europe can be found under 'Shipping and delivery', at the bottom of our website below Customer service.

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