Gladiolo - Dynamite 10/12

Precio por pieza

0 - 1000 (1 caja) € 0,093

1001 - 4999 (2-4 cajas) € 0,086

> 5000 (5+ cajas) € 0,079

Stock disponible

1000 (~1 caja(s))

Si la cantidad deseada difiere del contenido de la caja, se cobrará una tarifa de conteo. No aplicable al stock remanente.
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Descripción Experience the explosion of colours with Gladiolus Dynamite! This extraordinary flower enchants with striking two-coloured spikes, a fireworks display of yellow and purple. Plant them in borders or beds for a spectacular addition to the garden. The large, trumpet-like flowers impress as cut flowers and are perfect for bouquets. In mid-summer, the splendour of Gladiolus Dynamite reaches its peak, leaving you amazed at the sparks flying off them. A true explosion of beauty!
Grupos flores grandes
Color púrpura-amarillo
Altura de la planta 100-150 cm
Período de floración julio, agosto, septiembre, octubre
Categoría Gladiolo
Temporada Z
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