Lilje  - Belcastro 14/16

Pris pr stk

0 - 300 (1 kasse) € 0,233

301 - 1499 (2-4 kasser) € 0,217

> 1500 (5+ kasser) € 0,200

Aktuelt på lager

307 (~1 kasse(r))

I alt0,00
Hvis den ønskede mængde afviger fra indholdet i kassen, vil der blive opkrævet et tællegebyr. Gælder ikke for restlager.
Mere information
Mere information
Beskrivelse Lilium Belcastro is an O.T. hybrid lily. OT Hybrid lilies are also known as tree lilies (orienpet) and are a cross between Oriental lilies and Trumpet lilies. These strong lilies with large, slightly downward-pointing flowers, bloom in beautiful colours. After a few years, OT Hybrid lilies can reach heights of more than 150 cm. Their flowering period extends from mid to late summer. These lilies are excellent for long-term planting and thrive in the open ground as well as in pots or containers.
Grupper O.T. hybrid
Farve hvid-gul
Plantehøjde 100-150 cm
Blomstringstid juni, juli
Kategori Lilje 
Årstid Z
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