Puschkinia - Puschkinia scilloides var. libanotica 6/7

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0 - 3000 (1 kasse) € 0,031

3001 - 14999 (2-4 kasser) € 0,029

> 15000 (5+ kasser) € 0,026

Aktuelt på lager

17000 (~5 kasse(r))

I alt0,00
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Puschkinia scilloides var. libanotica
Mere information
Mere information
Beskrivelse This richly flowering bulbous plant produces masses of white flowers with a bright blue stripe and a closed white 'tube' in the middle. The full name is puschkinia scilloides var. libanotica and is known in the Netherlands as Buishyacint. For naturalisation.
Grupper forskellige
Farve blå-hvid
Plantehøjde 1-25 cm
Blomstringstid april
Kategori Puschkinia
Årstid V
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