Ranunkel - Ranunculus elegance bianco striato 3/4

Pris pr stk

0 - 500 (1 kasse) € 0,372

501 - 2499 (2-4 kasser) € 0,346

> 2500 (5+ kasser) € 0,317

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1000 (~2 kasse(r))

I alt0,00
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Ranunculus elegance bianco striato
Mere information
Mere information
Beskrivelse These true Italian Elegance® Ranunculus line expressed in the rich variety of colours that harmonize in pastel ranges with soft and delicate contrasts, a medium-early flowering, even larger flowers, lush and robust foliage and stems. Practically adapted to many different climatic conditions and cultivation techniques, the flower appears in bloom after about 8 weeks for temperate climates and up to 16 weeks for colder climates. Already after three months one can enjoy a flowering production of up to 4 flowers per plant, reaching 12 flowers at 6 months. The flowers of this buttercup like to bloom with maximum light intensity and open in the early evening hours. It is advisable to cut the flower in the early morning hours.
Grupper forskellige
Farve hvid-pink
Plantehøjde 25-40 cm
Blomstringstid marts, april, maj
Kategori Ranunkel
Årstid V
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