Buttercups - Ranunculus mixed 4/5

Price per piece

0 - 9000 (1 box) € 0,036

9001 - 44999 (2-4 boxes) € 0,033

> 45000 (5+ boxes) € 0,030

Currently in stock

10200 (~1 box(es))

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Ranunculus mixed
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Description A mixture with many different bright colours. Ranunculus Aviv are excellent for landscaping and great cut flowers. Can be planted in a bright, sheltered spot in the autumn. Ranunculus is moderately hardy, so protect against frost. Good drainage is important. Ranunculus flowers are variable in form, double to fully double.

*Photographs are for illustration purposes and intended to indicate a colour scheme. We always use the best quality flower bulbs for the mixtures. The final result may vary, based on season and availability of different cultivars.
Type various
Colour mixed
Mature plant height 40-60 cm
Flowering time June
Genus Buttercups
Season Z
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